‘What we offer’
Youth & Community Services and other institutions to deliver a range of evidence based groups.
Our staff are highly skilled in relating to young people to provide interacted group that address a range of important developmental skills.

Some of our groups, but not limited to, are:
Rent It Keep It
A program that helps prepare people for the rental market
Share It
A program that helps prepare young people to share housing successfully
The Yhunger program aims to improve healthy food access and physical activity options for young people who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness. Young people living in poverty who have faced significant challenges like homelessness are extremely resilient. Yet they may have not had the opportunity to learn basic skills in the kitchen and are limited by time and very tight budgets.
Living Skills Group Program
This is a 8 module program that can be delivered between 5-8 weeks. The program covers workshop topics on daily living skills, education, employment, health & wellbeing, housing, legal rights, money and personal & social development (for young parent groups we have an additional 9th workshop on parenting). This program is designed to give young people a leg up in learning the critical life skills to move forward with independence.
Can be delivered between 7-10 weeks and is a program that incorporates hand drumming, behavioral therapeutic principles and cognitive and dialectical elements to achieve positive outcomes. Drumbeat has proven outcomes such as increased mental health, reduction in antisocial behaviours and school absenteeism, improved self-regulation and more.
Love Bites
Is a Respectful Relationships Education Program for young people. It consists of 2 interactive workshops; one on relationship violence and one on sex and relationships, followed by creative workshops and community campaigns. Love Bites draws on partnerships with a number of experienced agencies to deliver the program collectively.
ART (Aggression Replacement Training)
Aggression replacement training program—also known as ART—helps young people to deal with their anger and aggression. ART is an evidence-based program based on research. You can find out more here: https://aggressionreplacementtraining.com/ The training has 3 parts:
- skill streaming — learning appropriate ways to respond to different situations and how to talk to someone about what is upsetting them
- anger control — learning how to keep control and calm down when they feel angry about something
- moral reasoning — learning to see what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes.
Call us 1300 889 855
Email usinfo@saintscare.org.au
Location12 Taylor Street
West Pennant Hills NSW 2125