Youth Services

Program Framework

Program Framework

YR Program


The youth services are funded by various sources and aim to build resilient, independent and healthy young people. All programs hold strong networks in their local communities in order to provide a ‘no wrong door’ approach, making it easier for young people to access supports.

Through a trauma informed, person-centres and strengths based approach, our services ensure a flexible and evidence-based service model that strives to meet the needs of our service users and the community.

youth Outcomes

Youth Services

‘Why we do
what we do’

All young people deserve the right to safety, housing, access to education and health services. When things get tough and rights are taken away or are harder for some to action, services like ours gets alongside young people to advocate and help them get their life on track.

Having a safe and secure home is crucial to building a positive future, both psychologically and physically. It provides a sense of positive identity and security that is critical for children and young people in their transition to independence, as well as being fundamental in enabling someone to access structural elements such as education and employment. (Source: YFoundation – Section 28: Criminalising the Young and Homeless)




13.9% of young people in Australia live below the poverty line.

(Source; ACOSS, Poverty in Australia 2020)


young people aged between 12-24 in NSW were homeless in 2016.2021 shows a 3.7% in youth homelessness since 2016.

1 in 4

young people in Australia lives with a mental health illness. Its time to change the statistics!

Call us   1300 889 855


Location12 Taylor Street
West Pennant Hills NSW 2125

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